Reflections and Renewal

Reflecting on 2018

Reflecting on 2018

January is usually my time of reflection on the past year with goal setting and planning for the upcoming year.

Looking back on 2018, it was a year of highs and lows, but overall I am so thankful to my God for His grace and mercy towards me that is new everyday.

I always look forward to a new year because it is a time of great hope promise and renewal. For me, it is a time to plan, to set goals and commit my plans to the Lord. I like to set plans and goals in many areas of my life such as family, health, work as well as spiritual /faith goals.

Since this is my medical blog, let me share with you some of my work goals and plans.

Recently I passed the Certification exam from the Institute for Functional Medicine and now am an official certified practitioner. It was a long road ( it took several years to finish all the course work) and the exam was one of the hardest I have ever taken. Why did I choose to take this road to certification? Even though I have been practicing Functional Medicine for over 10 years, there are many paths to get proper training in this field. I chose the Institute for Functional Medicine, because it is the leading organization in the forefront of Functional Medicine education . It strives for excellence and making sure all that is taught is steeped in real science , evidence based, and backed up by research. They even have a department of Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. Becoming a certified practitioner helps me stay on the cutting edge of medicine and up to date- as medicine is constantly changing.

As many of you know, my passion is for treating autoimmunity from a different perspective than a conventional family physician. I seek to discover the triggers and root causes of a patient’s illness, remove or treat the triggers, and help the body heal and go into remission with diet nutrients and lifestyle modifications. In this new year, my plan is to continue learning and staying on the cutting edge of all the latest research in autoimmunity in order to help my patients.

Some other areas of focus that I will have in 2019 :

Diabetes, pre-diabetes, and PCOS: I have had great success in helping patients prevent diabetes or even in some cases ,reverse diabetes with fasting and diet protocols.

I love helping my patients be able to get off of their medications with successful weight loss and the proper nutrients.

Last year I closed my membership practice and now work solely at Atlanta Functional Medicine. I would love to see you there if you are interested and would like to work with me.

I am excited for this new year 2019 and hope that you too will have a renewed hope for your optimal health!
